1. Read Wufoo usage guidelines
  2. Request a Wufoo user account
  3. Review Wufoo tutorial or request assistance
  4. Request assistance with forms/reports

1. Read Wufoo Usage Guidelines

The Campbell University campus uses Wufoo to create forms that can be linked on campbell.edu web pages or in email campaigns. Common forms include information intake, free event registrations, and web support requests.

USE Wufoo to collect non-sensitive information such as:

  • contact information (name, email, phone, mailing address)
  • prize / gift options (t-shirt size, gift selection)
  • event options (meals, classes, event proposals, speaker photos/bios, etc)
DO NOT USE Wufoo to collect sensitive information such as:

  • health information of any kind
  • social security numbers
  • legal / criminal history
If you need to collect sensitive information, contact Information Technology Services to discuss your options.

2. Request a Wufoo Account

University Communications & Marketing has limited Wufoo user accounts on the main campus account. To request an account, submit a support ticket and we will review to see if we can meet your needs.

3. Review Wufoo Tutorials

Tutorials for Beginners

The Wufoo Help Center includes tutorials for all user levels including beginners. New Wufoo users should review the tutorial "Getting Started with Wufoo".

Branded Themes

Campbell-branded themes are available for forms created in the Campbell University Wufoo account. 
To apply a theme:

  1. Log in to Wufoo at cuweb.wufoo.com/login
  2. Go to Forms.
  3. Click the title of the form you want to apply a theme to.
  4. Click Apply Theme at the bottom of the form.
  5. Select the theme you want to apply.
  6. Click Save Form.

4. Request Assistance with Forms/Reports

To request assistance with creating or editing a form, submit a support ticket and we will review to see if we can meet your needs.